Before it vanishes...

This is an ongoing project of New York City architecture that covers the 17th to the early 20th century. The photographs comprise landmarks as well as little-known and common buildings. Not only is their paradox with the newer structures getting more pronounced, but also their dwindling numbers are giving them a new importance. Unlike other cities and towns, New York doesn't make preserving its historic districts a priority. The new glass, steel and concrete architecture that seems to reach to the stratosphere has its own beauty. However, old New York preserves for us a sense of where we came from and offers a warmth associated with familiarity and tradition. They also remind us of a time when New York had a more colorful and dramatic atmosphere.




Fort Fisher, North Carolina 

Photographed at various times this Civil War fort kept North Carolina's port of Wilmington open to blockade-runners supplying necessary goods to Confederate armies inland. Not much remains of the structure but what does complements the shore landscape beautifully.

